The Quibbler 1st Edition

Time-Turners Should Include Nap Time

Welcome to The Podcast That Must Not Be Named’s Quibbler! The Quibbler focuses on topics discussed in the most recent episode of the show, which this week was 3-22E Final Chaps Recap.

In this first edition, I have some burning questions from hosts and guests Luke, Riley, and, of course, Lorelei, all of which focus on the use of the Time Turner in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We’ll start with Lorelei (who was on fire in this episode). Lorelei asked, “Why would Hermione want to take all those classes anyway?” An excellent question, Lorelei.

We know from the book itself that several of the classes held topics of interest to Hermione. Despite being a Muggleborn, she thought it’d be interesting to study the subject of Muggles from the wizards’ perspective. I totally agree. But why did Hermione even sign up for Divination? Is this a required subject for all students? That seems a little silly to me, since Hermione ends up dropping it anyway and it is arguably the least respected of the subjects studied at Hogwarts. It doesn’t surprise me that Hermione would want to make the most of her education, and it sounds like Hogwarts might have too many options of classes, really, since she has to take three during one class period.

But maybe a more important question off of Lorelei’s wonderful question: Why would McGonagall LET Hermione take all these classes? We can assume that the Hogwarts class schedule has been set for quite a long time and that no one ever used a Time-Turner to take multiple classes before, because that’s insane. Why make an exception for Hermione (besides, you know, the plot)? There is literally nothing stopping Hermione from using it for her own desires, and McGonagall just trusts that she won’t? Doesn’t seem like the McGonagall I know.

But since McGonagall did allow her to use the Time Turner, let’s look at Riley and Luke’s questions: How could she ever be tired? Couldn’t she get her own bedroom?

If Hermione had her own room, she could go back in time and take a nap while she was also studying. Problem solved. She wouldn’t have to worry about being spotted in two places at once. Also, the hosts pointed out that if she walked in on herself in the bedroom she wouldn’t be confused.

Which leads to my final question: WHY would a wizard in the past ever be confused by the appearance of their future self if they knew they had a Time-Turner in their possession? I understand not knowing what was happening if you didn’t know you had a Time Turner. You’d be a little confused. But Hermione knows she has one. If she saw her future self taking a nap, she’d say, “Ah yes, of course, a nap will be great later!” Perhaps wondering about when exactly she would go back to take a nap would be confusing? But if she believes that everything in the past has already happened, then she’d trust that she would go back to take her nap exactly when she was meant to.

Hopefully, in future editions of the Quibbler, I’ll be able to discuss things in more concrete terms, but I think we can all agree that time travel is confusing and Time-Turners are just insane. Until next time, stay imaginary!

TPTMNBN 3-22E Final Chaps Recap

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – End of Book Bonus Unrestricted Section

Luke and Melissa finish up the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, get Lorelei’s Target Audience Perspective, Riley’s First-Time-Reader thoughts, and go through some listener feedback from iTunes. Rereaders bring your pass to be validated for entrance into the Unrestricted Section.


TPTMNBN 3-20R Five Chap Recap

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – Chapters 16-20 Recap

Luke and Melissa are joined by Riley and Lorelei to discuss Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Chapters 16-20 Recap. Rereaders bring your pass to be validated for entrance into the Unrestricted Section. Special announcement of ThePodcastThat Family of Podcasts Patreon page
